Exchange Rates |
Polish Zloty (PLN) Exchange Rates for 2015-04-07
Tuesday, April 7th, 2015
Currency | Frankfurt | Bucharest | ||
1 PLN = ... | Inverse | 1 PLN = ... | Inverse | |
AED United Arab Emirates Dirham | - | - | 0.98159 | 1.01876 |
AUD Australian Dollar | 0.34975 | 2.85922 | 0.34812 | 2.87254 |
BGN Bulgarian Lev | 0.48199 | 2.07475 | 0.48151 | 2.07679 |
BRL Brazilian Real | 0.83737 | 1.19421 | 0.83563 | 1.19671 |
CAD Canadian Dollar | 0.33425 | 2.99182 | 0.3336 | 2.99761 |
CHF Swiss Franc | 0.25723 | 3.88753 | 0.25729 | 3.88661 |
CNY Chinese Yuan | 1.65708 | 0.60347 | 1.65586 | 0.60392 |
CZK Czech Koruna | 6.76598 | 0.1478 | 6.75823 | 0.14797 |
DKK Danish Krone | 1.84124 | 0.54311 | 1.83931 | 0.54368 |
EGP Egyptian Pound | - | - | 2.03824 | 0.49062 |
EUR Euro | 0.24644 | 4.0578 | 0.24619 | 4.06189 |
GBP British Pound | 0.17956 | 5.56931 | 0.17979 | 5.56198 |
HKD Hong Kong Dollar | 2.07221 | 0.48258 | - | - |
HRK Croatian Kuna | 1.87762 | 0.53259 | - | - |
HUF Hungarian Forint | 73.70496 | 0.01357 | 73.67708 | 0.01357 |
IDR Indonesian Rupiah | 3472.7611 | 0.000288 | - | - |
ILS Israeli Shekel | 1.05156 | 0.95097 | - | - |
INR Indian Rupee | 16.65878 | 0.06003 | 16.67791 | 0.05996 |
JPY Japanese Yen | 32.11839 | 0.03113 | 32.04645 | 0.0312 |
KRW Korean Won | 291.60629 | 0.0034293 | 291.68455 | 0.0034284 |
MDL Moldavian Leu | - | - | 4.71144 | 0.21225 |
MXN Mexican Peso | 3.99031 | 0.25061 | 3.98461 | 0.25097 |
MYR Malaysian Ringgit | 0.9741 | 1.02659 | - | - |
NOK Norwegian Krone | 2.15141 | 0.46481 | 2.15071 | 0.46496 |
NZD New Zealand Dollar | 0.35544 | 2.81342 | 0.35462 | 2.81994 |
PHP Philippine Peso | 11.903 | 0.08401 | - | - |
RON New Romanian Leu | 1.0884 | 0.91878 | 1.0874 | 0.91962 |
RSD Serbian Dinar | - | - | 29.54891 | 0.03384 |
RUB Russian Ruble | 14.74358 | 0.06783 | 14.81471 | 0.0675 |
SEK Swedish Krona | 2.31012 | 0.43288 | 2.30186 | 0.43443 |
SGD Singapore Dollar | 0.36286 | 2.75591 | - | - |
THB Thai Baht | 8.70792 | 0.11484 | - | - |
TRY Turkish Lira | 0.69198 | 1.44514 | 0.69107 | 1.44703 |
UAH Ukrainian Hryvnia | - | - | 6.28918 | 0.159 |
USD US Dollar | 0.26731 | 3.74094 | 0.26724 | 3.74195 |
XAU Gold, 1 G | - | - | 0.0068749 | 145.45687 |
XDR SDR | - | - | 0.19295 | 5.18282 |
ZAR South African Rand | 3.16292 | 0.31616 | 3.17026 | 0.31543 |
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PLN (Polish Zloty) exchange rates for 2015-04-08
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Other rates for 2015-04-07
RON (New Romanian Leu)
RSD (Serbian Dinar)
RUB (Russian Ruble)
SEK (Swedish Krona)
SGD (Singapore Dollar)
THB (Thai Baht)
TRY (Turkish Lira)
UAH (Ukrainian Hryvnia)
USD (US Dollar)
XAU (Gold, 1 G)
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