Exchange Rates |
Polish Zloty (PLN) Exchange Rates for 2019-06-25
Tuesday, June 25th, 2019
Currency | Frankfurt | Bucharest | ||
1 PLN = ... | Inverse | 1 PLN = ... | Inverse | |
AED United Arab Emirates Dirham | - | - | 0.98282 | 1.01748 |
AUD Australian Dollar | 0.38393 | 2.60468 | 0.38407 | 2.60369 |
BGN Bulgarian Lev | 0.45951 | 2.17625 | 0.45989 | 2.17441 |
BRL Brazilian Real | 1.02599 | 0.97467 | 1.02408 | 0.97649 |
CAD Canadian Dollar | 0.35244 | 2.83734 | 0.35258 | 2.83622 |
CHF Swiss Franc | 0.26098 | 3.83174 | 0.26114 | 3.82937 |
CNY Chinese Yuan | 1.84073 | 0.54326 | 1.84141 | 0.54306 |
CZK Czech Koruna | 6.00451 | 0.16654 | 6.00975 | 0.1664 |
DKK Danish Krone | 1.75396 | 0.57014 | 1.7555 | 0.56964 |
EGP Egyptian Pound | - | - | 4.4722 | 0.2236 |
EUR Euro | 0.23495 | 4.2563 | 0.23514 | 4.2527 |
GBP British Pound | 0.21024 | 4.75644 | 0.20989 | 4.76441 |
HKD Hong Kong Dollar | 2.08902 | 0.47869 | - | - |
HRK Croatian Kuna | 1.73731 | 0.5756 | 1.73954 | 0.57486 |
HUF Hungarian Forint | 76.23758 | 0.01312 | 76.23103 | 0.01312 |
IDR Indonesian Rupiah | 3786.45772 | 0.0002641 | - | - |
ILS Israeli Shekel | 0.96358 | 1.03779 | - | - |
INR Indian Rupee | 18.55426 | 0.0539 | 18.56187 | 0.05387 |
ISK Iceland Krona | 33.24484 | 0.03008 | - | - |
JPY Japanese Yen | 28.65634 | 0.0349 | 28.65477 | 0.0349 |
KRW Korean Won | 308.78228 | 0.0032385 | 309.36455 | 0.0032324 |
MDL Moldavian Leu | - | - | 4.87698 | 0.20505 |
MXN Mexican Peso | 5.1463 | 0.19431 | 5.14604 | 0.19432 |
MYR Malaysian Ringgit | 1.10704 | 0.90331 | - | - |
NOK Norwegian Krone | 2.27557 | 0.43945 | 2.27646 | 0.43928 |
NZD New Zealand Dollar | 0.4027 | 2.48326 | 0.40305 | 2.48108 |
PHP Philippine Peso | 13.73893 | 0.07279 | - | - |
RON New Romanian Leu | 1.10857 | 0.90206 | 1.11 | 0.9009 |
RSD Serbian Dinar | - | - | 27.75 | 0.03604 |
RUB Russian Ruble | 16.78427 | 0.05958 | 16.79274 | 0.05955 |
SEK Swedish Krona | 2.47445 | 0.40413 | 2.47713 | 0.40369 |
SGD Singapore Dollar | 0.36208 | 2.76186 | - | - |
THB Thai Baht | 8.21676 | 0.1217 | 8.22832 | 0.12153 |
TRY Turkish Lira | 1.54378 | 0.64776 | 1.55702 | 0.64225 |
UAH Ukrainian Hryvnia | - | - | 7.012 | 0.14261 |
USD US Dollar | 0.26756 | 3.73753 | 0.26757 | 3.7373 |
XAU Gold, 1 G | - | - | 0.0058261 | 171.64162 |
XDR SDR | - | - | 0.19235 | 5.19892 |
ZAR South African Rand | 3.82682 | 0.26131 | 3.83023 | 0.26108 |
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RON (New Romanian Leu)
RSD (Serbian Dinar)
RUB (Russian Ruble)
SEK (Swedish Krona)
SGD (Singapore Dollar)
THB (Thai Baht)
TRY (Turkish Lira)
UAH (Ukrainian Hryvnia)
USD (US Dollar)
XAU (Gold, 1 G)
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