Exchange Rates |
New Romanian Leu (RON) Exchange Rates for 2016-05-13
Friday, May 13th, 2016
Currency | Frankfurt | Bucharest | ||
1 RON = ... | Inverse | 1 RON = ... | Inverse | |
AED United Arab Emirates Dirham | - | - | 0.92678 | 1.0790 |
AUD Australian Dollar | 0.34639 | 2.8869 | 0.34644 | 2.8865 |
BGN Bulgarian Lev | 0.43486 | 2.29957 | 0.43488 | 2.2995 |
BRL Brazilian Real | 0.87958 | 1.13691 | 0.87489 | 1.1430 |
CAD Canadian Dollar | 0.32505 | 3.07648 | 0.32438 | 3.0828 |
CHF Swiss Franc | 0.24511 | 4.07974 | 0.24522 | 4.0780 |
CNY Chinese Yuan | 1.64538 | 0.60776 | 1.64528 | 0.6078 |
CZK Czech Koruna | 6.008 | 0.16644 | 6.00962 | 0.1664 |
DKK Danish Krone | 1.65421 | 0.60452 | 1.65426 | 0.6045 |
EGP Egyptian Pound | - | - | 2.24065 | 0.4463 |
EUR Euro | 0.22235 | 4.4975 | 0.22235 | 4.4974 |
GBP British Pound | 0.17512 | 5.71053 | 0.17509 | 5.7113 |
HKD Hong Kong Dollar | 1.9588 | 0.51052 | - | - |
HRK Croatian Kuna | 1.66804 | 0.59951 | 1.66694 | 0.5999 |
HUF Hungarian Forint | 70.07671 | 0.01427 | 70.17051 | 0.014251 |
IDR Indonesian Rupiah | 3360.24458 | 0.0002976 | - | - |
ILS Israeli Shekel | 0.95217 | 1.05023 | - | - |
INR Indian Rupee | 16.84992 | 0.05935 | 16.83502 | 0.0594 |
JPY Japanese Yen | 27.47304 | 0.0364 | 27.45367 | 0.036425 |
KRW Korean Won | 295.92218 | 0.0033793 | 295.85799 | 0.00338 |
MDL Moldavian Leu | - | - | 5.01756 | 0.1993 |
MXN Mexican Peso | 4.55433 | 0.21957 | 4.54959 | 0.2198 |
MYR Malaysian Ringgit | 1.01681 | 0.98347 | - | - |
NOK Norwegian Krone | 2.06066 | 0.48528 | 2.06143 | 0.4851 |
NZD New Zealand Dollar | 0.37114 | 2.6944 | 0.37114 | 2.6944 |
PHP Philippine Peso | 11.76943 | 0.08497 | - | - |
PLN Polish Zloty | 0.97674 | 1.02381 | 0.9802 | 1.0202 |
RSD Serbian Dinar | - | - | 27.24796 | 0.0367 |
RUB Russian Ruble | 16.46908 | 0.06072 | 16.42036 | 0.0609 |
SEK Swedish Krona | 2.07415 | 0.48212 | 2.07168 | 0.4827 |
SGD Singapore Dollar | 0.34579 | 2.89191 | - | - |
THB Thai Baht | 8.93963 | 0.11186 | - | - |
TRY Turkish Lira | 0.74795 | 1.33699 | 0.74677 | 1.3391 |
UAH Ukrainian Hryvnia | - | - | 6.40205 | 0.1562 |
USD US Dollar | 0.25232 | 3.96325 | 0.25232 | 3.9632 |
XAU Gold, 1 G | - | - | 0.0061588 | 162.3690 |
XDR SDR | - | - | 0.1788 | 5.5928 |
ZAR South African Rand | 3.82728 | 0.26128 | 3.81825 | 0.2619 |
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RSD (Serbian Dinar)
RUB (Russian Ruble)
SEK (Swedish Krona)
SGD (Singapore Dollar)
THB (Thai Baht)
TRY (Turkish Lira)
UAH (Ukrainian Hryvnia)
USD (US Dollar)
XAU (Gold, 1 G)
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