Exchange Rates |
New Romanian Leu (RON) Exchange Rates for 2019-11-05
Tuesday, November 5th, 2019
Currency | Frankfurt | Bucharest | ||
1 RON = ... | Inverse | 1 RON = ... | Inverse | |
AED United Arab Emirates Dirham | - | - | 0.85933 | 1.1637 |
AUD Australian Dollar | 0.33791 | 2.95933 | 0.33813 | 2.9574 |
BGN Bulgarian Lev | 0.41103 | 2.43292 | 0.4114 | 2.4307 |
BRL Brazilian Real | 0.93847 | 1.06557 | 0.9387 | 1.0653 |
CAD Canadian Dollar | 0.3065 | 3.26269 | 0.30696 | 3.2578 |
CHF Swiss Franc | 0.23136 | 4.32219 | 0.23181 | 4.3138 |
CNY Chinese Yuan | 1.63365 | 0.61213 | 1.63586 | 0.6113 |
CZK Czech Koruna | 5.36662 | 0.18634 | 5.36769 | 0.1863 |
DKK Danish Krone | 1.57014 | 0.63689 | 1.57159 | 0.6363 |
EGP Egyptian Pound | - | - | 3.77501 | 0.2649 |
EUR Euro | 0.21016 | 4.7583 | 0.21035 | 4.7540 |
GBP British Pound | 0.18097 | 5.52565 | 0.18131 | 5.5154 |
HKD Hong Kong Dollar | 1.82922 | 0.54668 | - | - |
HRK Croatian Kuna | 1.56539 | 0.63882 | 1.56519 | 0.6389 |
HUF Hungarian Forint | 69.31887 | 0.01443 | 69.34332 | 0.014421 |
IDR Indonesian Rupiah | 3260.93353 | 0.0003067 | - | - |
ILS Israeli Shekel | 0.8171 | 1.22384 | - | - |
INR Indian Rupee | 16.50358 | 0.06059 | 16.55629 | 0.0604 |
ISK Iceland Krona | 28.93891 | 0.03456 | - | - |
JPY Japanese Yen | 25.41454 | 0.03935 | 25.46473 | 0.03927 |
KRW Korean Won | 269.91573 | 0.0037049 | 270.27027 | 0.0037 |
MDL Moldavian Leu | - | - | 4.10341 | 0.2437 |
MXN Mexican Peso | 4.4779 | 0.22332 | 4.47427 | 0.2235 |
MYR Malaysian Ringgit | 0.96434 | 1.03698 | - | - |
NOK Norwegian Krone | 2.13364 | 0.46868 | 2.13812 | 0.4677 |
NZD New Zealand Dollar | 0.36439 | 2.74428 | 0.36444 | 2.7439 |
PHP Philippine Peso | 11.77143 | 0.08495 | - | - |
PLN Polish Zloty | 0.89618 | 1.11585 | 0.89775 | 1.1139 |
RSD Serbian Dinar | - | - | 24.69136 | 0.0405 |
RUB Russian Ruble | 14.80222 | 0.06756 | 14.81481 | 0.0675 |
SEK Swedish Krona | 2.2475 | 0.44494 | 2.25023 | 0.4444 |
SGD Singapore Dollar | 0.31688 | 3.15579 | - | - |
THB Thai Baht | 7.04958 | 0.14185 | 7.06215 | 0.1416 |
TRY Turkish Lira | 1.34096 | 0.74573 | 1.34282 | 0.7447 |
UAH Ukrainian Hryvnia | - | - | 5.77701 | 0.1731 |
USD US Dollar | 0.23347 | 4.28328 | 0.23396 | 4.2742 |
XAU Gold, 1 G | - | - | 0.0048361 | 206.7789 |
XDR SDR | - | - | 0.16974 | 5.8914 |
ZAR South African Rand | 3.444 | 0.29036 | 3.44234 | 0.2905 |
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RSD (Serbian Dinar)
RUB (Russian Ruble)
SEK (Swedish Krona)
SGD (Singapore Dollar)
THB (Thai Baht)
TRY (Turkish Lira)
UAH (Ukrainian Hryvnia)
USD (US Dollar)
XAU (Gold, 1 G)
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